Search and Matching as-a-service

what semantic search misses, we find.

AI for all your searches in one API

up to +40% accuracy up to +70% consistency → FIND OUT HOW

An easy example of why semantic search does not work on tags 🫠


All our algorithms are curated and developed by our internal division Simsearch Labs, and are based on our breakthrough: covariate search.

Insights and Monitoring


A/B Testing

Multilanguage Support

with covariate search, we can filter through multiple tags even if they are not perfectly matching! And we can do that by using a single vector.

All you need to start is an API key

It takes 5 minutes to prepare your data with 4 simple steps

1. Prepare your data

The data needs to be prepare as a list of json to be uploaded.

2. Upload

The data has to be uploaded in our database.

3. Process

Once ready, you can initiate the processing step.

4. Choose your algorithm

You are ready to go! You can search through your data.

Our top use cases

Our goal is to make your search faster and more reliable

Any Search Bar

Integrate our algorithm into any search bar. Our is a Plug & Play solution


Retrieval Augmented Generation is based on semantic search; our AI search can augment it.


Customers do not search using full sentences: semantic search is not the answer. Instead, they search for products using keywords: our AI search can make the difference.

Resume Search

Semantic search underperforms when searching resumes: resumes are retrieved from the most relevant keywords: our AI search is the tool you have been searching for.

Weighted Search

Metatags are used to filter the important data. Our weighted AI search can replace this tedious practice and save you hundreds of hours of labeling.

CRM & Databases

Easier and quicker information retrieval. Search through millions of data in seconds.

Matching Users

Exploit features and choices to match users together.




40.000 FREE requests/month over: 0.10 x 1000 requests

4.000 requests/day 10.000 free records email customer support



500.000 requests/month over: 0.05 x 1000 requests

50.000 requests/day 100.000 records 4h customer support


request pricing

unlimited requests per month unlimited requests per day unlimited records

customer support package

Request your free API key:

Company Name


Email: we will send your API key here


Why do you want to use SimSearch?

SimSearch Labs

The latest open-source algorithms in the search field managed and published by us


Replacing Metadata Filters with Weighted Semantic Search

Michelangiolo Mazzeschi


Covariate Search vs. Semantic Search: which one performs better?

Michelangiolo Mazzeschi


What is Covariate Search?

Michelangiolo Mazzeschi

Show more

